and You're
back on Track!
Seamless Continuity
in ICS & OT Systems
Implement our technology to recover your OT systems within 30 seconds from the moment of a cyber-attack or IT failure.
Designed for critical infrastructures and manufacturing, our platform ensures the operational continuity of SCADA systems through a patented technology of air-gap protection.

Smart Solutions
for the ICS & OT
Our OT expertise spans across sectors and our solutions comply with the needs and nuances in several industries.
This includes critical infrastructures, energy, building management, chemicals, and any non-stop production industry.
We understand that recovery time is highly critical for our customers and their business continuity and supply.
A simple and incompeteable solution that ensures their operational continuity.

We've got your backup!
With 3 layers of defense that provide instant restoration.
Reduces risks of data loss and execute an easy validation of the data integrity.

Air Gap
Hardware-based patented technology that isolates the backups, preventing any unauthorized access

Recovery Software
Breakthrough Agent software that eliminates downtime 90 times faster than any other solution

Continuous Monitoring
An effective web-based visualizing system providing continuous single-point monitoring, and seamless deployment





Critical Infrastructures

